Serving clients across Western Canada.
We are the best kept secret of wineries and beverage producers throughout the Okanagan and BC.
We began as Propaper in 1998 selling Newsprint and Kraft rolls.
In 2004, UPS and FedEx approved trays were introduced to the wineries in the Okanagan which allowed for shipping without breakage. New products were added including, paper bags, boxes, glasses, wine accessories and printed products.
In 2013 with Warehouse facilities in the Okanagan, Penticton Winery Supplies Inc. (Mark Hartmann) was formed together with Canada West Winery Supplies (Garth Schafer / Mark Hartmann) to expand business and improve service.
We are a family run business that continues with its goal to provide good service with environmentally friendly, quality products.
Our Team
Mark Hartmann
Here goes a brief job description for this awesome guy you can also include some random fact about him.
Kaden Hartmann
Here goes a brief job description for this awesome guy you can also include some random fact about him.
Create emotions
by combining design
and technology
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida mollis placerat.
Aenean id odio ac enim porta bibendum quis nec justo praesent fringilla pulvinar sem quis convallis curabitur sit amet felis congue, posuere risus lacinia.
Et ac nisi eu lorem auctor bibendum vehicula sit amet ipsum.
Duis condimentum, turpis vel pretium dapibus, erat orci aliquam purus, id convallis ante mauris id justo.
Mauris arcu odio, porttitor nec nunc sit amet, pulvinar vestibulum dui.